How many credits do I need?

Eric Martin

Last Update há um ano

There are 4 types of credits - Email, EmailAI, Prospect and Profile credit (previously "Scrape credit"). Simply speaking: 

  • an Email credit is consumed every time FinalScout helps you find a valid email address*; 
  • an EmailAI credit is consumed every time FinalScout EmailAI generates an email draft;
  • a prospect credit is consumed every time you make a request (do a search or view a new page) in Prospect;
  • a profile credit is consumed every time you scrape a basic Linkedin profile (without email address). 

* If your plan allows "Unlimited single email finding from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator", no email credit will be deducted from your account when you find emails from LinkedIn or Sales Navigator one by one.

Below is a list of credits cost for popular use cases:

Find one email on Linkedin or FinalScout

1 Email Credit only if a valid email is found.

applicable operations: 

  • Click the "Get email" button on LinkedIn or in Prospect
  • Find one email in Find > Professional email > Single
  • Find one email in Find > Author email > Single
  • Find one email in Find > LinkedIn email > Single

Click the "Write a new email" button or other revision buttons in EmailAI

1 EmailAI credit for every email copy generated.

Click the "Write email" button on LinkedIn

1 EmailAI Credit if you set it to generate email automatically. 

1 Email Credit will also be consumed if a valid email address is found for a new contact.

Click the "Export emails" button on LinkedIn or the "Scrape results to Contacts) button in Prospect

1 Email Credit for every email saved to Contacts if you choose the "Scrape and find email" option, or 1 Profile Credit if you choose the "Scrape without email" option for the scrape task (you'll be prompted to set it for very scrape task.) 

If you scrape through Prospect, a few Prospect credits will also be consumed when you manually adjust the filters or flip through pages. No prospect credits will be consumed during scrape task running in the background.

Make one request (do a search or view a new page) in Prospect

1 Prospect Credit for each request.

Find emails in bulk via Find > Professional email > Bulk scrape

1 Email Credit for every email saved to Contacts.

Find emails in bulk via Find > Author email > Bulk scrape

1 Email Credit for every email saved to Contacts.

Find emails in bulk via Find > LinkedIn email > Bulk scrape

1 Profile Credit for each LinkedIn URL scraped plus 1 Email Credit for each email found will be consumed. 

If scraping basic profile data without email address, two Scape Credits will be consumed for each basic Linkedin profile scraped.

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